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About the Foundation

The Swim 4 Special Needs Foundation was certified as a Not for Profit foundation in 2010.

The goal of the foundation is to raise funds and awareness to support special needs children in gaining access the Swim4all program.

The Foundation runs fundraising events through the year, including a swim-a-thon, trivia nights, movie/theatre nights and Bunnings BBQ’s to name a few.

Projects the Foundation has funded so far include:

The foundation has a Scholarship request form – please email if interested.

Committee Members

The current committee consists of:

President: Elizabeth Halliday
Vice President: Suzie Byrne
Secretary: Frank Hunnekens
Treasurer: Peter Cheira
Committee members: Natasha Marshman (Grants Expert), Natalie Clarke, Michelle Coleman

The committee meets once a month. Anyone wishing to join or assist the committee in any way please email your interest to

The principal purposes for which the Association is established are to:
  1. Raise awareness for the need for specialised swimming programs for children and families with autism and other special needs
  2. Develop programs and courses specialising in teaching swimming to autistic and other special needs children
  3. Provide affordable swimming programs to improve the quality of life for families with special needs
  4. Provide facilities for the Association to be able to conduct swimming classes specialising in special needs children
  5. Generate funds to be used for the purpose of providing recreational opportunities for children with a disability
Ancillary purposes

To achieve the principal purposes set out in clause 2, the Association may, among other things:

  1. Hire, acquire or own property;
  2. Design, build and construct or remove buildings on property owned by the Association for the purposes of the Association;
  3. Conduct public programs including education programs and social and community programs;
  4. Investigate co-ordination of complementary services for early intervention programs for autistic children and other special needs children;
  5. Disseminate information relating to the programs and services provided by the Association and to produce, edit, publish, issue, sell, circulate and preserve such papers, periodicals, books, circulars and other literary matters as are conducive to the Association’s principal purposes;
  6. Establish and maintain relationships and close communications with other corporations, entities, associations, foundations, institutions, organisations and groups including Federal, State and Local Government instrumentalities, authorities and professionals that may have related interests to the Association and utilise their resources and facilities to provide and achieve the principal purposes of the Association;
  7. Seek and co-ordinate funding from Federal, State and Local Government and the private sector in the form of grants, gifts, donations and bequests committed to the principal purposes of the Association;
  8. Encourage, promote and create greater community awareness in the knowledge and understanding of the principal purposes of the Association and the impact on communities as a whole;
  9. Provide or attract funds to facilitate the purposes of the Association, especially for the conduct of public awareness programs including education and relationship and community programs; and
  10. Do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the principal purposes of the Association.

The Foundation runs many events a year and accepts ongoing donations.

In the short term, funds raised have provided families in need with scholarships to continue their life saving and life affirming swimming lessons.  So far the foundation has run annual swim-a-thons, trivia nights, movie/theatre nights and Bunnings BBQ’s to name a few.

Make a donation online

You may also make a donation by direct deposit to Swim 4 Special Needs Foundation – BSB: 633 108 Account No: 141 844 142.

© 2010-2013 Swim 4 Special Needs Inc. All Rights Reserved.